Plot? Story? Antagonist? The plot was crappy, too. The entire thing felt really lacking in any sort of emotion.

He just constently gets blasted back, then Miwa et co are telling him that he could die if he continues, but he does anyway, and then of course he breaks through. During some training scenes with Aichi, we really didn't.e much. There's no sense of urgency at all (despite the one that is attempted to be pushed on us) with the way the characters move and behave. The animation fails even with normal scenes, as the characters seem stiff and typically are standing still. It reminded me of playing VHS tapes and having the picture on while hitting the fast-forward button on the remote minus the squggly lines, the battle scenes were exactly like fast-forwarding an already fast-paced action scene. It was honestly one of the worst animation jobs I've seen in terms of fighting, though the concept is much more interesting than watching players move cards around a board. I'm writing this not too long after I saw it, and all I can recall of the battle scenes are flashes of color with some of the characters thrown in as their vanguards. Rather than seeing the game being played from a standard view, we saw the players become their vanguards and fight, which was interesting and would have been really cool.only, it was like someone cranked the speed of the battles up by two to four times normal speed, so it was near impossible to tell what was going on half the time during these fights. I don't usually cover "animation" as a portion for review (leaving it to mostly the plot and characters, as well as an "overall"), but animation was part of the reason this movie failed spectacularly. Animation I just went over how the characters are still the same as always, so let's get to the action scenes.

Where the movie falls so short is in its characters, action, and antagonist backstory. The characters are the same as always nothing new there. The story was hackneyed at this point (some darkness is threatening Cray and starting to affect the Earth as well, units vanishing, ect.pretty sure we've seen similar plots).

I'd state the good parts, but.well, besides the soundtrack, there really weren't any good parts. This movie was so terrible that I'm going to address just why that is. Normally, I'd separate this into a brief description of the story/plot, a brief description of the characters, and then an overall where I go over the entire thing as a whole. The pacing was terrible, the story was awful, the characters didn't really get to do much, the antagonist's backstory was incomplete.the list goes on.

Quite honestly, I had no clue what was going on for the duration of the movie. I'm going to start with this: The version I saw had jumpy and stuttering sound (my guess is something happened during the subbing process), so the "sound" rating applies to the songs (opening, ending, ect).