
My fitness pal website
My fitness pal website

It will be added to your food diary on the Food Page. and when you will click on the Add Food To Diary button. Here you can use Add Food link to add some food.If you want to track your food for the day, yu can click on food link available on the navigation bar. after filling all the details click on the Signup button in hte below. Now, here you need to fill your body measurment information.Here you can see a form, you need to fill your email address and password.Here you can see our landing page, If you are using this product for the first time, you are a new user and you can sign up by clicking on the sign up link.

my fitness pal website

In order to use the product, open the folder named Landing Page, now open the index.html with the open live server.open index.html with live sever or copy the path and paste it in your favourite brower.Go to the folder -> My_Fitness_Pal_Clone -> Landing Page -> index.html.

my fitness pal website

Demo of the product : Steps to install the project: Install basic Software:Ĭlone the following git repository inside any folder: In this project, we have tried to make a perfect clone of. The platform enables users to browse the food database and recipes, track calories with both the web version and mobile apps. MyFitnessPal is a company developing a platform for keeping a food diary.

my fitness pal website

We have Cloned a fitnees tracking website called MyFitnessPal.

My fitness pal website